Esther Grace Earl
The Star That Won't Go Out!
A New Life
When you have a child, you are in awe of the tiny creature that has just bounced into your world! Part of you – part of your husband, and a unique mixture of you both – it is a humbling and overwhelming experience. You imagine the future, and how their life will take shape, and determine in your heart that you will protect from anything and everything that dares to bring them sorrow. Never in a million years do you think that the future in your mind will be nothing of the kind, and that you will outlive the precious bundle in your arms. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"]The Earl Family
Lori, Wayne, Esther, Evangeline, Abby, Graham and Abraham.
The Diagnosis – In Mum's Own Words
Esther was always an energetic, bubbly toddler and young child. She was constant motion – her doctor called her a "lean, mean machine," all muscle and action. In second grade, she was the only girl – and only one of two – who succeeded climbing up a rope to earn the privilege of signing her name on the roof of her elementary school gymnasium! Her hair seemed to express her personality, flyaway, bright and light. She was rarely ill, so it was surprising the early fall of her 6th grade, while living in France, that she started to say she was tired after a walk through town. When she started coughing, we finally took her in, worried about pneumonia or bronchitis. An xray indicated fluid in her lungs--1.5 litres were drained through a surgical tube. And when nothing bacterial turned up, they found the thyroid cancer, already metastasized to her lungs. It was Thanksgiving Day that we were given the diagnosis of cancer.The Treatment
Her thyroidectemy and the first couple of radio-iodine treatments took place in France. We came back to the US the next summer, 2007, and after a second opinion at Boston Children's Hospital, chose to remain in the Boston area for her continued care. She had amazing doctors, and excellent care. She nearly died following a massive dose of radio-iodine in late 2008; but a g-tube and her own determination brought a gradual increase in strength. By March 2009, she had gotten a wig, and with oxygen-in-tow attended the first LeakyCon (a Harry Potter fandom convention), which by a stroke of luck took place in Boston!
Esther was not diagnosed with cancer until she was in the 6th grade, while she was living with her family in France. To the right, she is playing with her beloved birds and living life with every ounce of her being, and filled with the spirit and joy she was famous for.
I'll leave it there for now, but be sure to catch Part two of this feature, and learn how Esther's love of Harry Potter is the means by which she met superstar
Author John Green – how she became a published Author with her parents – the wonderful 'This Star Won't Go Out' charity they founded in her name, and Esther's own videos about her life before she died.
"We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself, the means of inspiration and survival."
Winston Churchill
*Picture of Wayne & Lori with TSWGO book By The Boston Globe
"Esther in France" Taken in Albertville, France, where Esther attended 5th grade
*Please attribute picture of Wayne & Lori with TSWGO book to The Boston Globe"Estee in France" Taken in Albertville, France, where Esther attended 5th grade
Esther, Lori, Wayne, Abby, Evangeline, Graham and Abraham.
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